From the Boardroom
Welcome to 2025 at Lake Edge Resort. This is my first newsletter as your new Board Chairperson. Firstly, there are not enough words or room in this newsletter to spend thanking our past Chairman Rick Martin for all he has done for Lake Edge over the last 20 years. Rick remains a member of the Board of Directors so is still very much part of the resort team and will continue to help us with his vast knowledge of everything resort related.
At the end of 2024 we had over ninety percent of our Shareholders who had paid their 2025 maintenance levy, thank you to you all for this. There are certainly other resorts around New Zealand that we will be the envy of. The maintenance levy is what is used to keep Lake Edge up to the high standard that you all expect and to have the funds there in the accounts means we can get on with the planned upgrades over the next 12 months.
Power and insurance costs continue to climb at a very fast pace, be assured we are reviewing suppliers for these on a regular basis. For all of the Board members the last two years has certainly seen a huge increase in the time we have all had to spend on Resort matters, including the change from Unit Title to Company Shares and legal litigation taken against the Resort from one of our Shareholders. This year the Board is looking into marketing initiatives for promotion of Lake Edge and we welcome any ideas any of you may have or could assist with.
The AGM is coming up in May, at each AGM two of the current Board Members must stand down, this is done on a rotational basis, the two Board Members standing down are of course entitled to re-stand. It would be great to see some of our Shareholders putting their names forward for election. If that is something you would consider please give myself or any of the current Board Members a call and we can talk you through what we do as a team.
As we head into a busy renovation year with six apartments scheduled for bathroom upgrades just a reminder that we are now not taking apartments out of circulation and doing total makeovers but doing parts of each apartment over various stages, also look out for new smart TVs coming into the apartments very soon and an upgrade to our website and booking system. It is the Boards intention going forward to ask you our Shareholders when we think there is something important that we need to change/upgrade, so please look out for our Shareholder surveys when they come out, your comments help us immensely.
On behalf of the Board and you all we need to pass also a big thanks to our Resort Manager Karryn Raikes. Karryn is bringing us into the modern age with systems and changes along with running the Resort on a daily basis, a huge effort and you will all see changes and improvements when you visit to enjoy your week at Lake Edge.
Finally a reminder that myself and all the other Board Members contact details are on the Lake Edge webpage, you can contact us anytime with comments, feedback and ideas.
Wayne Keats and the Lake Edge Board team.
The Annual General Meeting will be held at the resort on Saturday 17th of May. A formal notice of meeting will be sent out following the board meeting on 21st and 22nd of February.
Resort Roundup
Welcome back to 2025! We hope you have all had an enjoyable holiday season and new year.
We are looking forward to starting the upgrading of ensuite bathrooms in Apartments 2, 6, 10, 11 and 12 this year, starting at the end of March. Due to a bathroom mixer failure in Apartment 6, we have brought the refurbishment forward from 2026.
Winner of the Free Week: congratulations to Alison & Bryan Astwood who have won the free week in Apartment 14 at Lake Edge this year! And a huge thank you to all who have paid up their levy in full by the due date.
Levies Now Overdue: please ensure your levy is paid in full by the 1 February 2024 to avoid the 10% penalty that will be placed on top of your outstanding amount, thank you.
TV Upgrades: We have started the roll out of the new 55 inch smart TV’s in the lounge areas of apartments.
Bikes: unfortunately, we had three of our bikes stolen when locked up with our bike locks at the Ironman event. Just a reminder to please ensure you take the bike locks with you and not leave any unattended items unlocked when offsite, or around the Resort.
Policy Reminders
Pet Policy: we have a No Pet Policy in place: Except for service animals or approved support animals for persons with disabilities, no pet are allowed (even temporarily) anywhere on or about the Resort premises including inside Apartments. Any breach of this policy will incur a cleaning fee of $100.
EV Charging Policy: Please note there is strictly no charging of electric cars on site. Any breach of this policy will incur a $100 unauthorised charging fee.
This is an Insurance and a Health & Safety risk having cords running through windows. Our power points are not set up to take this charge. Please use the Electric Vehicle chargers in town. These are located at 19 Tamamutu Street (in the Burger King carpark in Roberts Street), and the Tesla Superchargers are at 1 Kaimanawa Street or at Village Drive (in the Woolworths carpark in Kokomea Park). The Warehouse have chargers also.
Departing Guests Policy: Because we have such a short turnaround time for cleaning the Apartments on Fridays, we request you read and follow the Departure Guidelines found in the Compendium and Welcome Brochure and ensure your Apartment is left clean and tidy to avoid any cleaning charges being applied to your account. This is very helpful for our staff and ensures we can complete the required cleans in a timely manner for the incoming guests that day. Whilst we do not expect you to clean the Apartment from top to bottom; removing rubbish, stripping and removing laundry into bags provided, turning the dishwasher on and wiping kitchen surfaces is appreciated. If an Apartment takes three cleaners longer than the usual hour, then an extra cleaning charge of $100 will be applied to your account upon exit. Please also ensure you let us know of any breakages and pay any outstanding amounts prior to departure.
We thank you for your understanding and support in these matters.

Owners Lounge: the new kitchen is now complete and ready for use!
Meet and Greet: these are held on Mondays at 4pm - please RSVP upon arrival or before midday on Monday for catering purposes. We would love to hear your feedback and gauge your support of this meetup, so keep an eye out for a Survey regarding this shortly, as we have found more often than not, we have had to cancel the meet due to lack of numbers.
New Initiatives
We have two initiatives we are launching in 2025. We are also investigating a major upgrade of the website to enable available rentals to be visible and we will create an online booking service, in addition to a digital check-in system.
New Owners: Try Before You Buy Promotion
This promotion allows interested people to rent weeks at the Resort at the standard rental tariff. If they decide to buy a share within a month of their stay, the difference between the annual entitlement levy and the rental paid is credited towards the purchase price. If you know of anyone who would like to become a shareholder/owner at Lake Edge, please feel free to tell them about this initiative.
Current Owners: Entitlement Exchange Program
We have several owners who wish to stay at Lake Edge for more than one week each year but do not wish to commit themselves to ownership of more than one share. We also have owners who bank a week with an exchange company then try to book back at the resort to get two weeks every two years. That works if the exchange company is prepared to allow owners to come back to Lake Edge. There is also the cost of the exchange fee.
Entitlement Exchange allows the Resort to coordinate with interested owners without going through an exchange company. Example; Owner A uses Owner B’s week in 2025 giving owner A two weeks in 2025. Owner B then uses Owner A’s week giving them the two weeks in 2026. Both owners are required to pay the full levy for both 2025 and 2026 plus pay an admin fee of $50 at the time of booking the exchange.
Please contact the office if you would like to enquire or book through the Entitlement Exchange program.
Banking Weeks with Exchange Companies: due to the high demand for booking weeks at Lake Edge, if you are thinking about banking your week with an exchange company this year (e.g. 7Across/RCI) can you please let us know as soon as possible so we can ensure the allocated weeks are available with your preferred exchange company.
2025 Bookings: If you haven’t already booked in your owner’s week for 2025, we have availability from Friday 14th March onwards. Remember you can also book up to 12 months in advance by paying 50% of the next year’s levy (the proposed 2026 maintenance levy is $1,355). Wait lists are now open through our website under the Owners tab for the 2026 School Holiday Ballots.
We hope you have an enjoyable summer and look forward to hosting you all at some point in 2025!
Karryn and the Lake Edge Team