From the Boardroom
With the festive season now behind us we now look forward to a positive 2024. Unfortunately, the first item of news is far from that with Jen Vandenberg’s resignation as Resort Manager. Jen’s note regarding her decision to leave us follows. It is safe to say that her decision will be felt by all owners and the Board on your behalf wish her, and Don, all the best for their future endeavours.
Rather than rush into making an appointment we have agreed to take time to complete a needs assessment on the role to ensure that the position meets the requirements of the resort in the future. To that end, we will be sending out a Survey Monkey questionnaire to get your input. This should arrive in your email inbox in early February. We look forward to receiving your thoughts on the future operational structure of Lake Edge.
2024 is set down for the start of the next round of refurbishment and plans are underway to ensure the resort standards are maintained at our current high standards. It is gratifying to receive positive feedback from owners and guests who are full of praise for the appearance of the resort and the apartments. In keeping with the policy of ‘maintaining the standards’ we have also embarked on an additional policy of continuance improvement. Part of this is to reconfigure the way in which the refurbishment programme is implemented. Rather that work around the resort apartment by apartment over a three-to-four-year timeframe we are looking at implementing projects in all apartments each year over the same period so that all apartments are at the same standard.
The easy projects have already started with new BBQ’s installed prior to Christmas and the purchase of new queen beds for all apartment master bedrooms. The current beds will be moved to the second bedroom replacing the increasingly uncomfortable old queen beds. Many of the bathroom vanities also need replacing and this will be undertaken during the maintenance weeks.
We hope to have completed replacing all the roofing material on the flat roofed areas early in 2024 and then will be turning our attention to the resurfacing of the swimming pool. This will be a major undertaking as we need to scaffold and wrap the pool area, empty the pool, remove the old, cracked tiles, then apply the new surface coating. This is planned for winter between school holidays when the pool is not in use.
These are just some of the projects and we look forward to sharing developments with you in future newsletters.
A reminder that the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Lake Edge Resort Limited will be held at the resort on Saturday the 4th of May. A formal notice of meeting will be sent out in early March.
Rick Martin – On behalf of the Lake Edge Resort Limited Board
From Jen and the Resort Team
Welcome to 2024 and sadly my final newsletter for Lake Edge Resort. After five years as manager of a very busy resort I feel my energy levels are running a bit low and I need time to recharge and refocus. My husband and I have a couple of projects that we want to become more involved with, so not quite retirement yet, but a change of direction. I have enjoyed my role managing the resort, getting to know so many of you owners and seeing you all enjoying your week at Lake Edge.
I have been lucky to have had a great team working alongside of me and also the support of Rick and all board members whom I have enjoyed getting to know.
It has been very satisfying to have been involved in the many projects undertaken in the past five years, the resort is looking great and will continue to, with the improvements planned for 2024.
Karryn & Candice will carry on as usual to keep the office running and most importantly all owner’s enquiries will be responded to. Rick and the board will be appointing someone new in due course.
Winners of the Free Week at the Resort – the draw for those who paid their levy by the 1st January has now been drawn and the lucky winners are Kevin and Erina Smyth! Congratulations to you both and we hope you enjoy your extra week at the Resort. Thank you to all of you who paid your levies by the due date.
Levies Now Overdue – please have all levies paid by the 1 February 2024 to avoid the 10% penalty that will be placed on top of your outstanding amount, thank you.
Week Available from the 2 to 9 February (Waitangi day 6 Feb) in Apartment 5, please contact the office if you are interested in using or renting this week.
Owners Rentals please be advised we have now increased our Owners' rentals fee from $195 to $225 per night (minimum 2-night stay) due to rising costs.
Fixed Week Owners if any of you are thinking it might be time to on sell your fixed week, we have several buyers wanting fixed weeks. Please contact the office if you would like to sell.
Transferring Ownership of your week/share if you are thinking of transferring your week/share to family or friends, this can also be done by contacting the office and completing the appropriate forms. A small fee of $250 will be charged for administration to make this transfer.
Checking in 3.30pm– Checking out Times 9.30am – please remember to adhere to our check in and out times. The staff have a huge job every Friday to clean and restock all 13 apartments in the 6 hours between these times. I would like to say a huge thank you to those owners who leave their apartments spotless when they leave, treating it as they would their own homes. To others that leave it in less than an acceptable state, there is a surcharge for extra cleaning of $100 that will be asked for. Thank you for your consideration with this.
Bikes & Kayaks – please ensure equipment, including helmets, life jackets and paddles are replaced in the same order and condition you borrowed them. If there is any problems or damage you see, please report it to the office or call the after-hours number if required.

A New Fence has been erected on the lakeside of apartments 1 to 4 as a safety precaution.
We have also used the same pool fencing to fence around the pool heat pump for safety.

New BBQ’s those of you who have stayed at the resort over the last month will have noticed we have replaced all of the old BBQ’s with new ones for each apartment.

The Pool Furniture has also been replaced with 6 new chairs a small table and two sun loungers for your enjoyment.

Our Team that work so hard to keep the resort running enjoying a shared lunch.
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Jen and the Lake Edge Team